We value our staff at FLC. They come to camp at the start of each season ready to create lasting memories and rich experiences for our campers. They come to camp each season dedicated to teach and to play and build friendships. They come with an undying energy and creative spirit that impacts lives and makes campers want to return each summer. So often we think of their lives being all things camp and we cannot imagine their lives outside of Forest Lake. In truth, our staff come from varied backgrounds and life experiences, taking them to all corners of the earth, defining the incredibly diverse and amazing people that they are. What better way to show our community what this looks like then to share what a few of our staff have been up to since they left camp at the end of the camp season. We asked staff about their summer highlights, about what they miss most about their time at camp and to share some of their stories since camp ended. Here is what they said:
FLC: What have you been up to since you left camp?
Jack: After leaving FLC in August I traveled to New York City, Washington DC and Boston before returning to the UK on the 7th of September. After this I helped my parents move before playing two rugby matches in three days and then headed back to University, where I have started the third year of my undergraduate degree.
FLC: What was a highlight for you this past Summer?
Jack: I find it very difficult to single out one event that was superior to another as this summer was full of defining moments. The one that stands out to me was becoming Sir Galahad’s (Chris Ilhefeld’s) manservant and ‘helping’ him in his attempt to recover the unholy grail whilst the villagers attempted to stop us from reaching the far side of the lake. For those unfamiliar with FLC, this took place during SPEV (special event!).
FLC: What do you miss most?
Jack: The thing that I miss the most about FLC is the sense of Brotherhood that is found in Boys’ Camp. This feeling of Brotherhood allows everyone on camp to push themselves as they know that they will not be ridiculed or judged. This was highlighted to me during an activity period where the entire group began to rally behind a member who was struggling with part of the session and turned an entire activity period from a potentially tough experience into something rewarding and enjoyable to all.
FLC: What have you been up to since you left camp?
Liz: Since camp I have been home in Westchester County, NY at my job as a school nurse. When Molly and I aren’t out on the hiking trails I am reaping the benefits of my vegetable garden and studying for my National Board Certification for Nurses. In September I took a trip to Maine and just missed seeing Elyse Rubchinuk! Guess I will just have to go back.
FLC: What was a highlight for you this past Summer?
Liz: Summer 2016 was an excellent summer, full of challenges and triumphs! My highlight was the Junior Boys fishing trip to the Hudson River. The Hudson wasn’t our planned destination but it served us well when our planned spot didn’t work out. The campers had a great time fishing, swimming and, yes- stopping for ice cream. It turned out to be the perfect Adirondack afternoon!
FLC: What do you miss most?
Liz: What do I miss about camp? Everything! Mostly I miss the people and sense of community. At camp there is an endless supply of friends who are willing to try something new or embark on an adventure.
FLC: What have you been up to since you left camp?
Alastair: After camp I headed straight for NY city to spend an exciting few days before going back to the UK. I didn’t go home immediately, but instead took part in the European Icosathlon Championships in Cambridge, England. The youth gold medal went with me on my last leg back to Scotland and St. Andrews University, where I started my postgraduate degree in computer science. Since then, I’ve been studying artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction, which is pretty cool! Could it be time for a robotics lab at camp?
FLC: What was a highlight for you this past Summer?
Alastair: If I had to say just one thing, it would be the off-camp rock-climbing trip with the senior boys. Not only was it fantastic to see the campers use their new skills belaying and climbing on a real rock face, but it was a rewarding individual experience. Looking out over the Adirondacks from half-way up a cliff was an inspiring moment. Everyone had a great time and we even managed to fit in a swim in one of the nearby lakes.
FLC: What do you miss most?
Alastair: I miss the meals. Nothing beats the atmosphere in a packed-out mess hall … except maybe the food. Breakfast was a time to get excited about the day ahead; lunch usually went by in a blur, with everyone keen to get back to their favourite activities; and dinner gave everyone a chance to talk about what they did and which new friends they made.