One of the things that surprised me this summer was how quickly every new FLC member (camper and staff) got on and how everyone was included in this very spirited environment that I quickly loved and grew to know. As a new counselor, coming all the way from London, I was hesitant in that I was not sure if I could really be myself. However, within a few days of staff training (which seems ages ago now!) I quickly learned that I could just be myself and that no one judges you at camp.
One of the things I loved this summer was how quickly I got on with others. I have memories of falling over in the pouring rain with one of my co’s when we were sorting out soccer equipment and another during staff week on our senior counselor overnight when I had a bit of a heartache about the food. As small as these may seem, they are memories I won’t forget. All of the staff really helped me this summer, even if it was just to have a laugh. I loved every second of it!
When I started planning my activities for soccer I didn’t really know where to start. I didn’t know my campers skill level. I just knew I wanted to make my periods as fun as possible, while at the same time offering my campers skills that made them feel they were accomplishing something. I brought my previous teaching techniques from the U.K. and went from there, and it worked! I had the best time teaching soccer at FLC this summer!
I lived in Cabin Saranac this summer, with a group of campers who were all about 15 years of age; what a great bunch of girls. Having the oldest campers for both sessions was something I was really happy and excited for. I was lucky enough to go on both of the senior canoe expeditions (a special 2-night canoe trip offered to only 15 year old campers). With a backwards canoe and a rap song ‘sung’ at campfire about our time, I loved both the groups and all the energy they brought to camp and to my experience this summer!
In my cabin, I found it so easy to get along with the girls, while maintaining order in the cabin when necessary, having good laughs as well and learning about each other. I honestly had the best time in Cabin Saranac and I hope to see many of my campers soon! I also have a very good winning streak with my cabin as both sessions the girls won Senior Lip Sync!!
When I think about a specific place at camp I always think of our Chapel spot. First, the view is amazing. Secondly, it was one of the first times I spoke in public and looking back I am so glad I did. Chapel is a time when I am able to forget about everything and just be in the moment.
What does FLC mean to me? It means having deep and meaningful conversations and receiving unexpected hugs. FLC is a unique adventure and full of unforgettable memories! I am so glad I came this summer and I’ll hopefully be seeing a lot of you next year 🙂 !! – Megan Winters