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2017 end of summer newsletter

We Recognize our Staff at FLC

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At Forest Lake Camp we have 3 major staff awards, which are given out at the end of the summer season. Please join us in congratulating our 2017 recipients!

The Owl and Lodge Award are awarded by a committee of FLC administrators; candidates are nominated based on a number of specific criteria. The Golden Arrow Award, is the longest standing staff award at FLC and is nominated by the previously awarded Golden Arrow recipient. All three awards are highly coveted and are testaments to the commitment and dedication that each of the recipients have made to Forest Lake Camp.

The Lodge Award is given every summer to a recent addition to the Forest Lake Camp Staff. It Screen Shot 2017-08-29 at 11.25.04 AMrecognizes a staff member who, to anyone unfamiliar with FLC, would seem like a 10-year veteran. FLC awarded this summer’s Lodge Award to Elliot Mather. We admire Elliot’s work ethic, his energy, his discipline to always give his best and his endearing smile and huge heart.  Campers, staff and FLC overall is a better place because of all Elliot contributed to FLC this summer! Elliot’s campers looked up to  him as someone they could depend on and his head counselors saw him as someone who was committed to the end. Elliot helped out in ALL corners of camp and always allowed his fun spirit to lead the way. Congrats Elliot!

The Owl Award is given to a staff member whos impact will extend far beyond their Screen Shot 2017-08-29 at 11.42.57 AM tenure. It is given in recognition of a lasting and direct improvement that has benefited Forest Lake Camp. This award is not given out every year. It is only given out in a year when there is a worthy recipient. This year’s recipient of the Owl Award was Paul Difalco. Uncle Paul, as he is affectionately referred to by everyone in the FLC community, has been a critical piece to the success of our mess hall experience. Uncle Paul is responsible for ensuring that every camper and staff receive an exceptional experience while dinning in our mess hall. He works tirelessly to lead and direct a group of staff to assist him in this efforts. His contribution to our mess hall experience has no doubt left a direct and lasting improvement on FLC’s community. Thanks U.P. for all that you do for FLC!


The Golden Arrow is the lifetime achievement award at Forest Lake and is the longest standing staff award. Its recipients are long serving staff members who work to uphold the principles and values of FLCScreen Shot 2017-08-29 at 11.44.22 AM and who give their time and effort to the FLC community. This year’s Golden Arrow recipient has given, wholeheartedly and selflessly, to the FLC community in her many years of growing up in the FLC community and equally in her many years of service on staff.  This year’s recipient was Caroline Kravitz.  FLC’s mission is to inspire growth and instill confidence in its campers.  As a community of leaders, we get there through leading by example, in a supportive and a safe environment with patience, enthusiasm and inclusion as our primary guide.  Caroline embodies all of these qualities through her actions and love of camp and the people who make it their home. Caroline is guided through a selflessness in serving others.  She takes time for the small and large things at camp and maintains and upholds its traditions to the deepest core.