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January 2015 Newsletter

Ollie Van Cise Campership Fund

FLC SoccerEach year we speak to many families, alumni and new, who would love the opportunity to experience Forest Lake Camp, but due to financial hardship aren’t able to meet the cost of sending their child to camp. We strongly believe all campers should have the opportunity to experience the wonders of a summer at Forest Lake Camp.

We invite you to join us in this mission and contribute to The Ollie Van Cise Campership Fund to help a worthy camper experience Forest Lake Camp. Our campership fund was established in memory of Ollie Van Cise, a highly respected member of FLC for an uninterrupted tenure of thirty years.

girls_pic2Forest Lake Camp has partnered with the American Camp Association (ACA) to create a tax-deductible scholarship fund. Contributions payable to ACA can be designated to The Ollie Van Cise Campership Fund.

Donate Today to the Van Cise Campership Fund