Introduction to Girls Camp
[stag_intro]”A positive camp experience is one of the defining moments of a girl’s life. Confidence is nurtured, independence is achieved, health is exercised, and enduring, life-long memories and friendships are created.Outdoor learning through experience and play has been an important part of the FLC girls’ camp tradition for 25 years.”[/stag_intro]
A Wide Variety of Camp Activities
Forest Lake Camp is designed to expose girls to a wide variety of activities, while also allowing them to grow skills in their areas of interest. The program at Forest Lake is elective and our campers choose their activities.
As part of the traditional summer camp experience, girls at Forest Lake Camp can participate in a large variety of team sports, individual sports, the Arts and of course our adventure programs.
Campers can choose to concentrate on specific activities to develop skill sets (for example, in sports such as soccer or baseball, or in arts such as music and theater). At the same time, our program provides variety and plenty of choice.
New Skills for Life
Our girl’s program also helps girls develop new skills for life. This includes everything from becoming a better soccer player to becoming a better friend. It includes learning how to play an instrument, and learning how to live away from home with a diverse set of friends, both new and old.
It’s about trying everything our program has to offer; everything campers already enjoy, along with some activities that are a bit outside their comfort zone.
A Family Atmosphere
We keep FLC small, with an underlying family feel, so everyone has a chance to get to know each other. The relationships and bonds our campers make last many years, in some cases for many decades, far beyond our camp in the Adirondacks.
The brother-sister aspect of camp gives the girls at Forest Lake the best possible experience at camp. During the day, single-gender activities allows girls the freedom to try new activities without the social pressures many are used to in their routines outside of camp. The occasional evening co-ed activities allow for the growth of appropriate social interactions and support the family aspect of camp.
Click below to Learn More about FLC’s Junior and Senior Camp and our Leader in Training Program
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Browse Girl’s Camp Activities at FLC
Summer Sports at FLC | Arts, Science and Crafts Programs | Horseback Riding at FLC | Waterfront Activities at FLC | Outdoors Adventure at FLC | Color Wars at Forest Lake Camp | Special Events at FLC | Campfire at Forest Lake Camp