Forest Lake Camp’s equestrian program is thrilled to announce that we will continue offering the opportunity to bring qualified riders out on the trails of Forest Lake for overnight adventures in summer 2018!
Forest Lake is situated on 823 acres within the southern Adirondacks and is a vast resource to miles of accessible trails, by foot, by mt. bike and NOW by horse. For generations, campers have explored these trails and they have been an amazing resource for our camp community. Campers and staff often take advantage of overnight camping on FLC’s property but never before summer 2017 had campers had the added adventure of traveling via horseback.
This past summer, our riding staff, in partnership with our wilderness staff, invited qualified campers who participate in our riding program, to pack out their food and gear for the night, travel by horse to one of our designated outpost sites and enjoy stories around the fire, dinner under the stars and slumber by the light of the moon. The trips went so well and our campers enjoyed them so much we have decided to make it a consist program offering.
This exciting adventure offers campers a unique experience to travel to their overnight site by horseback, allowing campers the opportunity to look after their very own horse from feeding it, putting it to bed and tacking it up the next morning for the ride back to camp before another great day of camp activities.
So get excited to saddle up and take to the trails to experience a true adventure. It is simply all in a days experience at Forest Lake Camp! Not all campers are able to participate, because space is limited, so if you are interested, please get in touch with us so we can put your camper on a sign up list.