FLC’s rock climbing program took on new heights!
Rock climbing at Forest Lake Camp continues to be one of our most popular activities. Campers love the opportunity to challenge themselves, support their fellow climbers and reach new heights. There is nothing like scaling to the top of our ...
FLC’s Overnight Riding Adventure
Forest Lake Camp’s equestrian program is thrilled to announce for summer 2017 the opportunity to bring qualified riders out on ...
What are our Staff up to now?
We value our staff at FLC. They come to camp at the start of each season ready to create lasting ...
The Legacy of the Lorber Family!
There were 10 Lorber family members who attended FLC: Stuart and John Egnal (Bennett’s cousins – their mother Sylvia was sister ...
New Camper Reflection of Summer 2016
What is your name and where are you from? Maya Kraidy. I was born in Washington D.C. but I ...