
FLC News

We’re looking for amazing staff!

No sooner had the sun gone down on 2018 and the boats were slumbering soundly in the boat house and the recruitment began. We have been inundated with experienced and enthusiastic staff for girls camp and will soon complete the roster of staff for Girls Camp 2019. We are still on the lookout for some great home grown talent for the boys camp. We try to have an international flavor and we have filled our overseas numbers. We are on the lookout for Fencing, Archery, Softball and Wilderness crew. Multi-talented young men are needed and it is always worth asking our huge FLC family if they know someone perfect for FLC. Please send them our way.

If you know someone who would like to apply, send them this link! https://forestlake.campintouch.com/ui/forms/application/staff/App