There are four special camper awards given out each summer at the end of our 4-week and 3-week session. They include:
Heart of FLC and Most Dedicated
Most Enthusiastic goes to the camper who is outgoing and shows his/her enthusiasm for camp through his/her actions.
Most Athletic: goes to the camper who is most involved in all of our sports, who excels in a number of areas and exhibits strong sportsmanship in all areas.
Spirit of FLC goes to the camper who most embodies FLC’s values and beliefs through their own actions and attitudes.
This years awards went to the below campers. Please join us in congratulating these campers for their hard work and dedication to Forest Lake Camp!
Most Dedicated– Daniel Young. (1st session), Fernando G. (2nd session)
Most Athletic– Elijah Gelfman-Rondazzo. (1st session) , Andres Montero Rodriguez. (2nd session)
Most Enthusiastic – Oliver Herrick. (1st session) , Jacky Guan. (2nd session)
Spirit of FLC – Jack Williams. (1st session), Jackson Krugman. (2nd session)
Heart of FLC – Emily Brew. (1st session), Mimi Muci. (2nd session)
Most Athletic – Daniella Pascucci. (1st session), Marie-Eve Rousseau. (2nd session)
Most Enthusiastic – Quinn DiFalco. (1st session), Madison K. (2nd session)
Spirit of FLC – Cat Smith. (1st session), Alicia Gutierrez. (2nd session)

The long-standing tradition of assigning campers to a color team (red or blue for boys, green or white for girls) and competing over the course of the summer has continued!!!
Blue (SR.) / Blue (JR.) and Green(SR./JR.) have won Color War for 2014! Congratulations to all of our campers!