We have witnessed weddings at Forest Lake but we have never witnessed a proposal before! A huge BIG HAND goes out to Brett Booker and Sadie Ball on their very recent engagement and to Brett’s creativity in making it a memorable and camp wide event. Tradition goes that before campfire each week the girls’ camp assembles at boys’ camp before both camps silently walk the path to campfire. At our final campfire of the season, Candlelight Campfire, the girl’s assembled and as recent summers go, the entire boys camp welcomes the girls camp. During this special assembly, staff member Bob Duffy handed a bouquet of flowers to the first girl in line and it was passed through the hand of each female camper and staff member before it reached the end of the line and stopped at head counselor, Ria. At that moment, the entire boys camp got down on one knee and Brett followed and looked up at Sadie in her place in line and asked, “Sadie, will you marry me.” The entire camp cheered following Sadie’s response of “YES!” It was the perfect camp proposal that any camp person would dream of. It was a moment shared by the entire camp family, which made it even more special. We are thrilled for Sadie and Brett and look forward to hosting the biggest blow out camp wedding in 2015. We will just need to find ourselves another wedding planer!