Special Events
Alongside the long time traditional events at Forest Lake Camp (Candlelight Campfire & Color War) campers have the opportunity to participate in a great variety of special events. Circus and the 4th of July celebration are always a carnival atmosphere. Square dances and ‘drive-in’ movies are commonplace and our Banquet Dinner, with its camp leader speeches, cabin cheers, and both cabin and personal awards, provide a special end to our summer sessions.
Any occasion that includes “special event” as part of its name is a day so out of the ordinary that campers will remember it for years to come. There may be ghost hayrides and haunted houses; we may have a medieval time; and some campers just might be lucky enough to be transported into a Harry Potter adventure. Whatever the special event may be, Forest Lake Camp makes sure the experience is unforgettable!
Want to Learn More about FLC?
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Summer Sports at FLC | Outdoors Adventure at FLC | Waterfront Activities at FLC | Arts, Science and Crafts Programs | Horseback Riding at FLC | Color Wars at Forest Lake Camp | Special Events | Campfire at Forest Lake Camp