At Forest Lake Camp we have 3 major staff awards, which are given out at the end of the summer season. Please join us in congratulating our 2016 recipients!
The Owl and Lodge Award are awarded by a committee of FLC administrators; candidates are nominated based on a number of specific criteria. The Golden Arrow Award, is the longest standing staff award at FLC and is awarded by a committee made up of previously awarded Golden Arrow recipients. All three awards are highly coveted and are testaments to the commitment and dedication that each of the recipients have made to Forest Lake Camp.
The Lodge Award is given every summer to a recent addition to the Forest Lake Camp Staff. It recognizes a staff member who, to anyone unfamiliar with FLC, would seem like a 10-year veteran. FLC awarded this summers Lodge Award to Dan Graham. Congratulations to you, Dan!
The Owl Award is given to a staff member whos impact will extend far beyond their tenure. It is given in recognition of a lasting and direct improvement that has benefited Forest Lake Camp. This award is not given out every year. It is only given out in a year when there is a worthy recipient. This year’s recipient of the Owl Award was given to Gary Confer. Congratulations to you, Gary!
The Golden Arrow is the lifetime achievement award at Forest Lake and is the longest standing staff award. Its recipients are long serving staff members who work to uphold the principles and values of FLC and who give their time and effort to the FLC community. This year’s recipient was Megan Cullen. Congratulations to you, Meghan!