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March 2017 Newsletter

It is the light that binds us


For me, the true sign that Summer is fast approaching is when Facebook announces that there is a new group to which I have been invited, the staff page for the coming Summer.

New and returning staff members take it in turns, one by one to introduce themselves to each other, sharing photos of themselves, friends and family. 

New members of staff talk about their excitement of coming to somewhere new and experiencing first hand, the magical feeling that they have heard of.

Returning staff members talk about how much they cannot wait to see everyone again and to make new friends too. Of course there are mentions of favorite places, the lake, lookout and of course the feeling they get of turning down the camp road on that first day back. There is talk of traditions, color war, hikes and campfire.

This Summer sees the return of the Alumni weekend (August 18th-20th) where people from all corners of the USA and indeed world will return to FLC to share stories, re-visit favorite locations and re-live the magic of FLC.

Don’t forget that the camp experience and all that it encompasses is available for you and your group too. Imagine you and your work colleagues bonding during a corporate retreat or your son’s soccer team experiencing a pre-season residential training camp. The possibilities are endless here at Forest Lake Camp and you are only restricted by your imagination.

All of us will at some point or another in this coming Summer sit around a campfire. Whether that is by the river, in your back yard or of course, the traditional full performance campfire FLC style.

There is something remarkably simplistic about lighting a fire, sharing a story or two and sitting with friends around the warm glow as the daylight fades.

With several campfire locations on camp and at new beach, bass rock and the nature center, what are you waiting for? Tell your friends, your family, your colleagues……we’re off to Forest Lake Camp.

To discuss your booking today – contact [email protected]