Dear Alumni,
We hope this finds you in good health and company during this Holiday Season!
During this holiday season, we wanted to take a moment to reach out to our alum and thank each one of you for all of your support and dedication to Forest Lake Camp. Summer 2017 was a great season for FLC and we are already looking forward to another great summer in the Adirondacks in 2018!
There is a lot to be thankful for, however, we are most thankful for our campers both past and present – it is our campers that make up the spirit and magic of the FLC experience!
We hope with your help, we will be able to offer more families the assistance they need to send their child to camp in summer 2018! As you consider making a donation, it may be helpful to know:
- $3,495 gives a first year camper ‘2 weeks of magic’ – from which relationships and lifelong lessons are
- $5,595 gives a camper the opportunity to experience a 4-week summer session
- Almost all of our recipients receive ‘partial’ scholarships – with each family contributing all they can to their child’s tuition
- $50 gives a camper the opportunity to experience horseback riding while $125 gives a camper the opportunity to experience a day on the lake waterskiing
- All donations to our campership fund are tax-deductible
- A gift from the heart, of any size, could provide the moment that changes a child’s life forever.
The Ollie Van Cise Campership Fund is truly emblematic of the spirit and commitment that Forest Lake Camp makes to all of its families. We sincerely thank you for considering a donation to the Ollie Van Cise Campership Fund.To make a donation, please click on “Make a Donation” and you will be redirected to our website where you will be able to make a donation online or by mail. All donations to our campership fund are tax-deductible.
On behalf of all of Forest Lake Camp, we thank you for your generosity, support and love of FLC. We wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous New Year!
Your Forest Lake Camp Family