Grades 3-6
At FLC, we organize our campers into age appropriate groups. Our youngest campers are our junior campers. These campers receive special attention as they become accustomed to living away from home and advocating for themselves.
The emphasis of our junior camp curriculum is to expose our younger campers to as many new experiences as possible while helping them to build confidence and develop independence. Overall we offer our junior campers a supportive, fun, age-appropriate, traditional camp experience, while fully welcoming them into the FLC family.
Junior Campers live in rustic traditional Adirondack cabins with 7-12 other campers and 2-3 counselors. The daily schedule is full, with a good mix of free-choice activities. Campers have 4 periods each day, with 3 free-choice periods and 1 waterfront period where the all of Girls’ Camp comes together to enjoy waterfront activities on our private 22 acre spring-fed lake, called Forest Lake.
All junior campers go on a two-day wilderness overnight adventure with their cabin counselors at one of the many wilderness encampments on our 823 acre property. These trips are a wonderful introduction to camping and wilderness travel. They also serve as an important opportunity for cabin-mates to bond and develop a deeper relationship with one another. While on their cabin overnight, campers learn how to set up a campsite, pitch their tent, and cook over an open fire.
Each junior cabin has it own unique adventure that they go on while at FLC. These experiences range from day trips to overnight canoeing/ hiking/ fishing trips. Our goal at FLC is to introduce our younger campers to the beauty of the Adirondacks while preparing them to participate in longer wilderness experiences as they become senior campers. Below are a few adventure trips that have been offered to our junior campers:
For many junior campers, Forest Lake Camp is their first experience away from home. We work hard to provide a warm, supportive experience, with highly trained staff, to ensure that camp is an exceptional experience.
Forest Lake Camp
261 Forest Lake Road
Chestertown, NY 12817
Office: 518-623-4771
Fax: 518-557-8891
Website by Scout Digital