This summer Frank and I were thrilled to announce that the FLC drama program would be producing The Emperor’s New Clothes and Alice in Wonderland. With each play containing its own distinct humor and style, we knew that we needed an excited, talented, and committed cast of campers to bring both worlds alive. Lucky for us, we found just that.
I remember that our first set of auditions took place during one of the summer’s earliest rainstorms, so we had to move from the amphitheater to the arts and crafts room. The genuine patience and dedication of the campers was apparent to both me and Frank as they all sat somewhat cramped behind the large, colorful tables, scripts in hand, awaiting their turn to perform. Both during that audition and each rehearsal afterward, every camper stepped out of his or her comfort zone and allowed themselves to be free — to risk, to create, to play.
Not only did we have an impressive number of campers eager to perform, but we also had an overwhelming level of interest in the behind-the-scenes work for the shows. The campers worked hard for and supported one another in ways that continually surprised me; they worked tirelessly at painting the backdrop, they told their friends how excited they were to see the shows, and they asked detailed and often profound questions about theatre. The plays were a product of truly collaborative efforts, which speaks to the general warmth and familial nature of FLC. Both plays were an absolute success, not simply because of the hilarious and very talented actors who helped tell the stories, but also because of the immense creativity, enthusiasm, and care that emanated from the Forest Lake Camp community.
Summer 2015 Staff
Would you like a fulfilling, fun and challenging summer? If so, you might be interested in joining the Forest Lake staff for 2015. Begin the process by filling out a 2015 Staff application online.
2015 Staff Application
Know someone who would make a great FLC counselor? Copy & paste the above link and send it to anyone you think might be interested in working at FLC. Alumni, would you like to come back and experience the magic of Forest Lake?
If you have any questions please let us know at [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you.