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February 2014 Newsletter

Geoff Neu’s FLC Winter Report & Winter Pictures

lookoutHi everyone.  Last month I promised a February ski report for camp.  I had a nice snowshoe instead around the campus area and down to the lake.  Well over a foot of snow was on the ground.  Mike, our caretaker was great company and has tried some snowboarding off Lookout in his free time (ask him for pictures!).  He also made some nice paths with a snowblower to make it a tad easier to walk around.The mountains near Forest Lake, Gore and Whiteface, have great conditions for alpine skiing.  Winter is still in full force, but the longer days are a reminder of summer being just around the corner. I’m starting to think about all the fun things to do in the Adirondacks following ski season.  Hiking, paddling a canoe, some mountain biking.  Even lots to offer in the Arts.  Hard to believe all of this is available to us at Forest Lake.  Have a good spring season!

Check out our winter photo gallery!