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February 2014 Newsletter

LIT Camper Daniella Shares How FLC Has Helped Her Become A Leader

Daniella P.My name is Daniella Pascucci and this summer will be my sixth summer at camp. I was just ten years old when I first came to camp and now I am almost sixteen and a sophomore in High School. I recently received a candidate form for membership into the National Honor Society. Part of the application process requires me to write an essay about a leadership role I have experienced. At first I was not sure what to write about, then it occurred to me to write about my experiences at FLC. Two summers ago I received the Spirit of FLC award.

Week1Day3 7It was a very hot summer day and we were all gathered in the Mess Hall.  We had just finished our end of the summer banquet lunch. There was much laughter that filled the air, but also tears. In just a few days, we would all go back to our normal lives and our homes from all over the world.   We were anxiously awaiting to hear who would receive the 4 most honored FLC awards, one being the Spirit of FLC.  The girl’s head counselors began to describe the person who would be receiving this award. I was shocked when they announced my name and was so excited by this recognition.

The Spirit of FLC award is given to someone who embodies the values of FLC.  One of the goals of attending camp is to grow as a person and gain independence.  A camper gains independence when they  experience new situations, experience diversity and meet people from all over the world.  I grew more and more as a person each summer I spent at FLC.  I had amazing experiences at camp and truly loved it.  I had such a great time, but some days I was homesick and some days were just hard, but I always pushed through it and made the best of the situation.  As a veteran camper, I always helped new campers and reached out to those who needed it with a smile and compassion.  Living in small cabins wasn’t always easy, but I always took pride in my cabin and helped to keep it clean and  tidy. I pitched in all around camp wherever I could.  I would encourage my cabin mates to do the same.  I helped foster great friendships and lifelong bonds.  For all the above, I was recognized  by those voting for Spirit of  FLC.  They saw me as a leader to my fellow campers.

I am now 16 years old and continue to be recognized as a leader.  I applied and have been accepted into FLC’s Leader in Training (LIT) program.  I want to be a counselor someday and would like to give back to FLC for all they have done for me.  FLC has helped shape me as a person.  I take pride in everything I do. I am not a follower, but a leader.  I set goals for myself and persevere to do my best. I am not sure yet if I will be accepted for the National Honor Society because there are so many worthy candidates and a limited amount of openings. Being accepted would be great, but the lifelong skills I have acquired at FLC have allowed me to be recognized.

Join Daniella and other campers this summer to grow and learn and become a leader at FLC!

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