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October 2014 Newsletter

Reflections & Stories From Boys’ Cabin 7

cabin 7 boys This month we are featuring boys’ cabin 7 from our 2014 summer. Reflections from cabin counselors and campers in this cabin give our newsletter readers a sense of the camaraderie, fun and spirit of our cabin life at FLC. It also helps our campers and staff keep their FLC memories alive throughout the year.

“Being the counselor in one of the younger cabins is never an easy task, however it is one that I have enjoyed greatly for the past two years. Being in Cabin 7 gave Fabian and me (along with our LIT’s, Alvaro and Marin) a rare opportunity to really get to know our campers like family of our own. Seeing them like younger brothers or tantamount to our own children is a rare opportunity and a rich one. With these relationships come many emotions and events that will stay with us for a long time to come. From being scared of ‘The Fencing Mask’, having fun as a cabin during the rain, deciding how to sort the laundry in 5 minutes before cabin inspection, to understanding collective responsibility through signing our sacred ‘Cabin 7 Code’. At the end of the summer, we came out having become friends with all of our campers.

 Personally, I like to think that in Cabin 7 we made every effort to get to know our campers as individuals. We valued sharing in amazing experiences with them. We saw them grow and develop as responsible young people, and to have had a hand in that development process is one of the biggest reasons I became a Cabin 7 counselor. I strongly believe that campers in Cabin 7 had a great deal of fun, but also, under our watchful eye, were in an environment that would challenge them, help them to develop fundamental life skills and would allow them to make mistakes and most importantly learn from their mistakes. We hope to see each and every one of them return for another amazing, unique summer experience in a place that they will soon, if not so already, come to call home.” -Tennis Tom, cabin counselor

“”My summer at FLC was really special because I got away from the city and made new friends and had fun.”- Daniel Greenstein, camper 

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