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End of Summer 2015 Newsletter

A Summer You Will Remember

DSC_0828Summer 2015’s theme was “Have A Summer You Will Remember”. We decided to ask a few campers, staff and parents why they thought this summer was a summer to remember and here is what they said.



DSC_0632This summer was a summer to remember because of all of my new friends, memories made and the cultures and experiences I learned  throughout my time at FLC. – Maria Gascue (camper) 

This summer was a summer to always remember for my son and me at FLC because it was the first time Jacky joined a tennis and soccer tournament. What wonderful moments for him! –Pan Xaun (parent)

This summer was a summer to remember… because everyone at FLC was a friend to everyone else!  I tried a ton of new things like archery and paddle boarding on the lake!  Also, I don’t think I will ever get another chance to swim in the Hudson River and see the tallest tree in New York.  I had an amazing summer at FLC! –Madalyn Brand (camper)

I just came to camp for 2 weeks, my first time.  I only knew my sister and a friend who came with me.  The cheers at lunch and my counselors smiles were so welcoming.  After one day I knew everyone in my cabin and we were all friends.  I tried so many things I have not done before:  paddle boarding, archery, fencing, climbing and much more!  All of my activities were great for people who had never done the activities before.  I tried a lot of food I never ate and a lot of different activities.  I even went on a hike and swam in the Hudson River. I slept overnight in the woods.  I made great friends that I will always remember.  I was sad to leave and can’t wait for next summer! – Izze Brand (camper)
DSC_0648Perhaps the most insightful observations our children have made are about the self-confidence they acquired. Self-confidence from being away from home, trying new unfamiliar activities, forging friendships with strangers and understanding themselves better.  While this all seems logical, we have been surprised by how self-aware they have become. At 8 and 10 years old, this is the first time we recall either of our children being so introspective. –Marie-Paul and Michael Nowlis (parents of Maya and Ian)

This past summer was a summer to always remember because… I got to spend a month in my favorite place with my favorite people. I’ll never forget this summer, like I will never forget any summer I spend at Forest Lake, because every summer is so special. –Cheka Orr (camper)

This past summer was a summer to always remember because of me, being Chinese, I joined another country’s national day! That is it! Love this camp! –Jacky Xaun (camper)

DSC_0378We couldn’t have felt happier or more secure about dropping our son off for his 5th summer at FLC. The hugs, warmth and renewed friendships were instant. He was back home in his happy place. Forest Lake Camp is a magical place where our son learned to live on his own, become a team member and experience life adventures. He, and we, are totally hooked on the FLC experience. We love to see the weekly photos and updates. –The Potterton Family

This past summer was a summer to always remember because I got to try new things that I’ve never done before, like rifle, repelling down the rock wall, zip-lining, log roll, etc. The list goes on and on! I made life long friends! I feel blessed to be a part of the FLC family and can’t wait to see what next summer has in store! -Molly Flynn (staff member)

The summer was a summer to always remember because it’s an end to a new beginning. I will treasure my six years as a camper and it will be dearly missed, but it doesn’t end there. I hope I can create even more memorable years as a future counselor and to have the opportunity to make someone else’s summer as a camper as amazing as mine were.  –Cate Smith (LIT)

This summer was summer to always remember for me at FLC because I felt like I just fit in and I made so many friends. -Ava Gizzie (camper)

Because… of the the memories made with friends, both old and new. -Eva Rafferty (LIT)

DSC_0634FLC has been a terrific experience for our boys and we thank you for that.  Three of our main objectives were accomplished with the help of so many at FLC during the two weeks they spent at camp.  We now have the request from both kids to return!  For us as parents, to see our children return from FLC very happy on their first attempt was an incredible experience. -Juan Carlos and Cinthya Lugo (parents)

This past summer was a summer to always remember because I was reminded that fresh faces can and do still keep traditions alive at the place I love most.  No matter who may come and go over the years, camp is always a positive, fun and happy place. -Emily Fagan (staff member)

Because… I made connections with other people and I met so many people.  Sports were also very good at camp!! Thank you for this summer. -Rodrigo Lugo (camper)

This past summer was a summer to always remember because I spent it with my best friends at our favorite place. –Alexis Klein (camper)

It was summer to always remember because I took risks and tried new things I would not have been able to do anywhere else! -Emily Brew (camper)

DSC_0279Because… I learned more English than I knew before coming to camp.  The activities were very exciting. -Paricio Lugo (camper)

This summer was a summer to always remember for me at FLC because of all of the new friendships I made, because once you meet someone, they stay in your memory for a long time. Also, all of the risks I took (like getting my hair cut on the last day) at camp will stay in my memories and inspire me to take more risks. – Kelly Seitz (camper)