What surprised you about your summer as a counselor that you did not really anticipate before going into the summer?
Being a first time counselor, I honestly didn’t really know what to expect from camp. All I had heard about it was what my teachers had told me, but everything else was brand new. Being with the youngest cabin, I felt quite at home because I worked with young children at my job at home so I found it really easy to communicate with them and to make sure that they had the best summer possible. I loved how welcoming all of the staff were, new and old. I made connections with the new staff almost right away and the returning staff spoke to me as if I had been there as long as they had. I absolutely loved teaching my classes, because every single class that I taught was filled with amazing kids with massive smiles on their faces ready to get started on the lesson.
What is one of your most favorite memories shared with your campers in an activity you taught?
I absolutely loved leading dance periods at camp, they were always so much fun. I’d have to say one of my favorite memories would have to be when I taught the dance class called 5, 6, 7, 8 (renamed by a camper to the “Yeehaw” song). Everyone in the class got so into it and added their own spin to the dance. Almost every single class I had after that I would have requests to do the “Yeehaw” song.
What is one of your most favorite memories shared with your campers in your cabin?
One night all of the girls were really quick getting ready for bed and before I started to read to them, one of the girls asked if I could sing them a song. It turned into a little cabin sing a long. It was so sweet because you could see how relaxed they were and how much they were enjoying themselves.
What does FLC mean to you?
FLC is my new home away from home. I have never been to a place where I feel more comfortable and free, knowing that I can be myself without worrying what other people might think of me. Words cannot describe how amazing my summer was and I cannot wait to come back next year.
Reflections from Summer 2017 Staff Member Gemma Turanski