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4 Reasons to go to Residential Camp in Upstate NY

DSC_0795Right now, you probably think its too late to sign your child up for summer camp. But the earlier that you plan and decide on your son or daughter’s summer plans, the more money you save and the less stress you endure right? However, it’s not too late to sign up for our later sessions!  To make your life a little bit easier, we have a few reasons why our residential summer camp in Upstate, New York is the perfect option for your son or daughter next summer!

  1. Sending your son or daughter to traditional summer camp provides them with more than just a fun summer. Campers also learn a ton of different life lessons at residential summer camp. From being independent and confident in themselves, to interacting with others and making new friends. Sending your son or daughter to Forest Lake Camp provides them with experiences that they can’t gain anywhere else.
  2. With all of that being said, campers will of course have endless hours of fun and one of the best summers of their life! Everyday is a new opportunity for children to try a residential summer camp activity or to go on an adventure with all of their new friends. The choices are never-ending and all the more reason to attend Forest Lake Camp!
  3. Did you know that the average American child spends about 44 hours per week in front of some kind of electronic screen? Children are no longer spending as much time outside as they used to, which has lead to a rise in various mental and physical health issues. By attending traditional summer camp, children will be given a chance to reconnect with nature and disconnect from television, computer, and cell phone screens.
  4. One of the greatest parts about traditional summer camp is all of the new friends and memories that your child will make. As soon as you pick your son or daughter up at the end of the summer, they will have a ton of stories to tell you about, whether it was an adventure they went on a week before or the plans to stay connected with their new friends during the school year. These friends and memories will remain with your child forever.

If you’re interested in the best residential summer camp in Upstate, New York for your son or daughter, then contact Forest Lake Camp! Call us at (518)-623-4771 for more information or to schedule a tour of our campgrounds today.