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September 2016 Newsletter

FLC Wedding Season

14317427_1138889489532311_9000399975919647524_nAs I write this we are in the midst of completing wedding number 4 of our 7 weddings, all post season. Couples with guests from as far away as Florida, Pennsylvania, California and even the UK have enjoyed sharing their friends celebration with us at Forest Lake Camp. 

img_7775Wedding season will wrap up the second weekend in October and by the 18th of that month the boats will be out of the water, mattresses will be flipped upright and a pall like silence (Casey at the bat reference) will descend upon the hallowed fields of FLC.

 The private rentals season begins early in 2017 now that the mess hall is fully operational. We will be hosting our first wedding of the season over Memorial day weekend. Throughout 2017 we will have 11 couples booked with us for their bespoke destination wedding.

We have mid-week dates available too and are generating interest with pre-season sports teams, school groups, corporate clients and families looking for a place to host that special reunion. If you would like further information about our rentals packages why not visit the rental section of our website or get in touch with our Rentals Manager Brett Booker [email protected]
Alumni members please note that our bi-annual Alumni weekend is planned for 2017 so get this date 18th-20th August in your calendars now.